WINSP Strip Poker for Windows Copyright (c) 1993,1994 V. Iliev ADULTS ONLY!!! User Manual 1. Disclaimer 2. Installation 3. What are DLL files 4. Playing the game 5. Options 6. Multimedia capabilities 1. Disclaimer: THE PROGRAM IS PROVIDED WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT THE AUTOR WILL BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES,INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM, EVEN IF THE AUTOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. MS Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. ALL TRADEMARKS MENTIONED IN THE DOCUMENTATION OF THE GAME ARE PROPERTY OF THEIR OWNERS. THE AUTOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENTS OF ANY DLL, SOUND, ANIMATION OR IMAGE FILES DISTRIBUTED WITH OR FOR THE PROGRAM. 2. Installation: Simply copy the file WINSP.EXE and the DLLs you've got on your harddisk. Then place it in your Programm-Manager (by selecting 'New' in your main menu) and specify as it's working directory the pathname where the DLLs for the game reside. 3. What are DLL files ? DLL files are Dynamic Linked Libraries - executable modules for MS Windows. They may contain data resources such as text, pic- tures, icons or any user-defined type of data. WinSP uses DLLs as a source for the images and the texts in the game. The file- names of the sound and video files played in the game (if any) are also stored in the DLL files. 4. Playing the game: Start WinSP and press a key or click with the mouse on the intro window to get rid of it. Then select the name of the DLL you want to use. The DLLs available appear in a listbox (make sure they are in the WinSP's working directory !), and if the option 'Preview' is enabled you will see a picture of your opponent and a short description of the currently selected DLL. You may want to adjust the money you start with, the credit given when one of the players takes off something, and the maximal bet allowed. To play either press the 'Continue' button or double-click on the DLL in the listbox. The rules of the game are similar to the normal draw poker rules The figures are: one pair - two cards of the same rank two pairs - 2x two cards of the same rank three of a kind - three cards of the same rank flush - all 5 cards are of the same suit straight - eg. 7,8,9,T,J full house - one pair & three of a kind four of a kind - four cards of the same rank straight flush - both straight and flush royal flush - straight flush of T,J,D,K,A if you want to stay just bet 0. If the computer 'stays', select 'Call' if you want to stay too. This is possible after the card change too - althought I'm not sure if this is the case in a real game I like it - it gives you the oportunity to bail out if you bluffed too high. In such case the pot stays, and the both players ante again. You can ask for a hint what cards to change (but of course not how much to bet). 5. Options: In the starting dialog there is a button 'Options' - it displays a dialog which allows you to configure the way the images are displayed on your screen. You can activate the same dialog during the game by selecting 'Image options' from the menu of the picture window. You can change the default aspect ratio of the images and the way they are displayed in the window. The aspect ratio is the horitontal resolution div. by the vertical resolution. For example, the aspect ratio of a display 640x480 is 1.33333. WinSP determines the aspect ratio of your display automatically - the value you can adjust is the aspect ratio of the images in the DLL ( The newer DLL versions contain the images aspect ratio, but you may wish to override this value. The older DLLs doesn't contain information about the aspect ratio - if the images appear stretched try another aspect ratio). You can choose the way the images are displayed in the window: using the default window size, displaying the image at it's normal size, and fitting the image in the current window size - horizontal, vertical, or stretching it to fill the window. From the menu of the main window you can select the follo- wing options: 'Save the layout' - the current sizes and positions of the WinSP windows will be stored in the file WINSP.INI in your windows directory. To restore the default sizes and positions just delete this file. 'Arrange icons' - arrange the iconized WinSP windows 'About' - Displays an 'About' box. 'Exit' - exit the game. 6. Multimedia capabilities: WinSP supports playing of WAVE sounds (.WAV files) - the filenames must exist as resources in the DLL file. The SVGA version of WinSP supports playing of animation. It has an internal module for playing FLI animations. It can also play virtually every format of video files if you have a properly installed MCI driver for it - for example, if you have the Microsoft Video for Windows driver MCIAVI.DRV, WinSP will be able to play AVI files (video with optional sound). The filenames of the video files must exist as resources in the DLL. WinSP will try to determine the kind of device for playing the videos and will warn you if it's not a valid video device or plays other media types than files (but it will try to play them too if you want!). The resource IDs for the sound files are 860,861 - the sound when the computer wins/loses and 870,871,... for the strips. The resource IDs for the video files are resp. 960,961,970,... The resources are strings - the filenames of the sound/video files.